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GiS mbH

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GiS mbH
Höllochstraße 1
D - 73252 Lenningen

Tel:  +49 (0) 7026 - 606 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 7026 - 606 - 66

Modern, competent and innovative identification solutions

RFID identification
RFID animal identification
RFID control technology
RFID industrial automation

The GiS mbH develops and manufactures LF, HD & UHF - based RFID systems to identify, localize and authenticate persons, animals and other objects.

The range of possibilities holds service, software & product development for complete
RFID-solutions from one source for industrial, logistics and production demands in many industries.

The GiS mbH is your partner for customer specific solutions like special designs in transponder and read / write systems. You will get custom-made, high quality systems combined with an comprehensive service program at personalization and programming of transponders.